Eric Hoffmann Apps

CalibreBox 2.6.2
Eric Hoffmann
CalibreBox opens multiple Calibre libraries from DropBoxandOneDrive. It can sort, filter and search in these Calibrelibrariesto help you find any ebook and download it quickly. Itsupports ahost of different sort and filter options and can displayall bookmetadata, including custom columns you set up in calibre.Features:Free: • Up to 2 Calibre libraries • Search in Titles,Tags, Authorsand Comments • Search suggestions and voice search •Sort byAuthor, Title, Rating and several Date options - ascendinganddescending • Filter by Dates, Rating and File Format •Searchshortcuts in detail view • Zoom the book cover • Visiblemarking ofbooks that have been downloaded • Show book list asregular list orcover grid • Long-press actions for books in mainlist • Sharebooks via Dropbox links • Several list layouts •Support forReading List plugin Pro (In-App Purchase): • UnlimitedCalibrelibraries • Completely ad free • Show custom columns indetail view• Sort and Filter using custom columns • Select adefault format touse for downloads if available • See the filsizeof the defaultformat or, if it is unavailable, the largest formatin the detailview • Filter for books that have already beendownloaded • Send toKindle for compatible formats (requires Kindleapp) • Optional"swipe from book to book" feature in details • Showbookidentifiers and link to source (like Amazon, Goodreads, etc)•Option to list available formats and filesizes in detailsoutsidethe download dialog To add a Calibre library to Dropbox,openCalibre and select "Switch/create Library" from the menu,select anempty folder in your Dropbox folder, and choose the "Movecurrentlibrary to new location" option. Please wait until Dropboxhasfully synchronised your Calibre library before attempting toopenit in CalibreBox to avoid missing covers and failed bookdownloads.The process works the same for OneDrive, just using theOneDrivefolder on your computer. Advanced users can also create asymlinkor junction inside of the Dropbox folder pointing to theCalibrelibrary folders. For more informationsee Calibre is © KovidGoyal- Dropbox is © Dropbox inc. -dropbox.comOneDrive is © Microsoft -